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Chrytatywna Choinka




Fundacja Azylu Koci Świat

My name is Mufinka and I have been a resident at the foundation since April 2017. I got the name on the second day, because it turned out that I was as sweet as the sweetest cookie. I came as a young, approximately 2-year-old cat for sterilization treatment and I was supposed to return to the countryside. However, there were problems during the procedure, I died twice, and after tests it turned out that I had a heart defect. The cat heart doctor said I had a hole in it and my blood was mixing and it shouldn't be. It turned out that I had maybe half, or maybe a year and a half, of life ahead of me. I was given medication and I was supposed to live these few months as a house cat. I was very happy because I love people very much and I have always dreamed of a real home. Subsequent heart tests showed that the nostril was not changing and I was functioning very well on the medications. My counter stopped. I no longer thought about how many months I had left, I was just very happy that I had a home and that I would be here for a long time. And then it turned out that I had diabetes. I receive heart medication once a day and insulin twice a day. I'm alive and well and I really hope that it will be a long time before I cross the rainbow bridge...

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